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How Do ITV Win Postal Entries Work?

Almost all of ITV’s competitions free a ‘free’ postal entry option, which means you don’t have to pay to enter – usually saving around £2 on your landline or mobile phone bill, or if you enter online, not having to pay electronically.

We put free in inverted commas because you’ll still need a stamp, a piece of paper and an envelope to lodge your entry, which isn’t really free.

Going back in time, you used to be able to enter ITV’s big competitions for free through their website, and the phone and text entries were the paid options, but it’s easy to see why they changed it.

Competitions are a big money spinner for ITV and other companies running them, and online entries are really easy to lodge. For that reason (and to comply with the law on prize draws), the free route changed to a postal entry and the online method became paid to match the phone and SMS options.

It is quite easy to use the postal entry route though, you just need to put a little effort in. Simply write your name and phone number on a slip of paper, pop it into an envelope and send it to ITV.

The address varies for each competition, with the first line changing to identifying the prize draw you’re entering. After the first line, the remainder of the address is:

PO Box 7558

You’ll need a first or second class stamp on the envelope as it’s not a Freepost address, and post it in time to arrive before the closing date of the competition.

To see the current competitions and find the prefixes for the addressess to enter those competitions by post, see our ITV prize draws page here.

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