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How Do ITV Contact Competition Winners?

While there are millions of entries to ITV competitions every year, the lucky few that come out of the hat first when the winners are chosen get their incredible surprise from the ITV Win team.

ITV competition winners are contacted in different ways, depending on the size of the prize that’s been won. Smaller prizes are automatically credited to your ITV Win account on the website, whereas the biggest competition winners are likely to hear from the King of Competitions himself, Andi Peters.

If you’re one of the really lucky few, winning a huge prize worth £100,000 or more, the call you get from ITV will almost certainly be recorded, as they’re a great advert to use in future on competition ads on TV, or the promotional videos for the weekly Winsday draw.

If it’s Andi calling a competition winner in person, it’s likely to be from a withheld number.

A great example was the Free Cash Friday comps we saw from 2020 on GMB in lockdown, where Andi was calling winners live on air from his garage, and regardless whether he was using his own phone or not, probably wouldn’t want to advertise the number to a random member of the public.

The same principle applies to the daily Spin To Win game on This Morning, where the presenters often ask viewers if their phone is ringing with an unknown number.

Has The Competition Winner Been Chosen?

If you’ve entered one of the prize draws recently, and are wondering if it’s been drawn yet, why not check the winners page on ITV Win, where you’ll find details of all the competition winners that have been published.

If there’s no winner showing, there’s a link at the bottom to show all winners on the website.

In addition, if you entered online through the website, make sure you’re signed in and click the profile link at the right hand side of the menu.

You’ll see a tab that reads ‘Your Online Entries’ and you’ll be able to see who won each competition you’ll participated in. They read ‘Winner announced soon!’ until the announcement is made.

When Is Contact Made?

Generally, you can expect winners to be informed relatively quickly after the competitions close, but keep in mind that requires all routes to close. For most prizes you see on ITV, that will be after postal entry closes, which is normally around six days after the phone lines and online entry close.

It’s also fairly safe to assume that winners don’t always pick up the phone, so it may take several attempts to get through. Fortunately, if you’ve won a big competition with a paid entry, you can expect the ITV Win Team to have a few goes at getting hold of you with the amazing news.

While we all get those annoying spam calls from marketing call centres and scammers, if you’ve been entering TV competitions, it’s probably a good idea to be answering the phone once the competitions close!

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